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Rent your Méhari fly away for a weekend

and ride with your hair in the wind for unlimited mileage!





1 day

160 €
2 days 320 €
3 days 470 €
4 days 622 €
5 days 767 €
6 days 906  €
7 days 1040 €
Exceptional weekend and delivery
request a quote from the agency



Have you ever fallen in love while traveling? ……. probably.

 In love with a landscape, a region, maybe even a country

But never from a car 

However, this is what awaits you at the wheel of these funny vehicles

Solid, and fun to drive with its plastic body, its glassless doors and its trucker steering wheel. The mehari remains no less stylish and will delight your family

This small, easily recognizable car has enjoyed great success since it was put on the market in 1968.

And, at more than 50 years old, this plastic body with a dyane engine has become the queen of the Charentais islands and coastline.